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Posted By Jake104E Oct 05, 2023 04:18:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Installation & Activation
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Last year I purchased a "FactoryTalk View SE Station Lite Bundle: 25 Displays Perpetual" FactoryTalk View SE Station Lite Bundle: 25 Displays Perpetual Self support Included In Price FactoryTalk View SE Station Lite Bundle: 25 Displays Perpetual Update Included In Price Why do I ...
Posted By Jake104E Aug 02, 2023 09:39:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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Hi Will, that works! Thanks. Jake ------------------------------ Jake104E ------------------------------
Posted By Jake104E Jul 26, 2023 09:44:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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Hi Will, thank you for replying. I have made a solution where the action of the button is handled by a VBA-routine. Here the text is taken from a "label database" where I have the label in different languages. As this solution is consistent with what I use in iFix and WinCC I chose to do it this ...
Posted By Jake104E Jul 26, 2023 01:11:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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Hi Bruce, exactly what I was looking for! Thanks. Jake ------------------------------ Jake104E ------------------------------
Posted By Jake104E Jul 24, 2023 04:02:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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On a button I can "Run command" with the parameter "Language en-US" (or some other language) - and then the language is activated. How do I run this command from VBA? ------------------------------ Jake104E ------------------------------
Posted By Jake104E Jul 21, 2023 08:21:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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Thanks, Ryan! It's the same in SE. Jake ------------------------------ Jake104E ------------------------------
Posted By Jake104E Jul 21, 2023 03:43:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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Hi Art, thank you for the suggestion. But - I have now made a small routine that reads settings from a txt-file. If the txt-file is in a specific folder - then it is read. That requires no update after an apa-installation. Jake ------------------------------ Jake104E ---------- ...
Posted By Jake104E Jul 21, 2023 03:41:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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Hi Jon, this sounds like a good solution - and in fact it is primarily just one display - a very "busy" P&ID-picture where I use the global objects. But - how exactly do I export the display to XML? I cant find anything in the menus... or am I missing something? Jake ------- ...
Posted By Jake104E Jul 20, 2023 03:50:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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I have two languages in my installation. I design in English - but as I sometimes just copy a text box and change the text - then I also need to change the second language. How do I switch the display language in my display editor? ------------------------------ Jake104E ---------------- ...
Posted By Jake104E Jul 20, 2023 03:47:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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For the Object Explorer - turns out that if I after selecting an object on my display then click the object explorer - then the object is clearly highlighted in the explorer tree... ------------------------------ Jake104E ------------------------------
Posted By Jake104E Jul 19, 2023 06:45:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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All my project are basically "the same" - and they use the same general VBA code which I have in a header picture. The VBA routines in the header can be called from other pictures if they have a small routine that links to the header picture. Had there been a facility to have a general VBA-module, ...
Posted By Jake104E Jul 19, 2023 05:03:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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I have a certain button functionality where a number of buttons share the same behavior but based on specific bits. I can make a global object where these bits are passed as parameter values. BUT - the button text should also be a parameter value. How is that done? And how does that ...
Posted By Jake104E Jul 19, 2023 02:59:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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For historic reasons I have a large amount of global objects. Many of them are not used in my recent project - and will not be used in the future. I would therefore like to "clean up", but don't want to delete to many. I guess I can just add them again if I need to - but it would be nice to ...
Posted By Jake104E Jul 14, 2023 04:41:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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Hi Fuzzy, thanks - that will work. It is a little "complicated" (yet simple though) and as I have two "polygons" I'll need it all twice. It is on a "busy screen", so I am not in favor of extra hidden fields... It is for a password entry - and it is to call up a keyboard. I may just add ...
Posted By Jake104E Jul 13, 2023 09:29:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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Hi Philip, thank you. If I can avoid ActiveX I'm all for that. But I am not sure how to understand your example... can you walk me through - as if I don't know how a latched button works...? I can see that for the LatchPushButton I can select "Elipse"-shape - but other than that I don't ...
Posted By Jake104E Jul 12, 2023 08:25:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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I have added an ActiveX ComboBox and want to display a list with the values "1", "2" and "3". The user then selects 1, 2 or 3 from the list. I cant find the property that allows me to write the list of possible values. In MS-Access there is a proprty for "RowSource" where I can write "1";"2";"3" ...
Posted By Jake104E Jul 10, 2023 10:00:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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I have a box made of a polygon. I want the operator to activate some VBA code by clicking this box. I don't want it to be a button - just a box... When I select "VBA control" in the property panel, it switches to "Type info Extension" - and I cant have VBA code on this box. How do I get ...
Posted By Jake104E Jun 09, 2023 09:44:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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FTview SE 10.0: I have a numeric input field. When I click the field, a small numeric keypad opens. In the property panel, I have NOT checked the box "Display On-screen Keyboard". So I am not quite sure why it opens... Anyway - as I use the keypad to enter a password code I would like ...
Posted By Jake104E Mar 14, 2023 08:45:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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I want to use the ME Chart Control in FTview SE 10.0 (as it has been pointed out here in this Forum, that it also works for SE). I have looked at this: And will soon have the UDTs and relevant tags created for me to test it. Now - I am doing ...
Posted By Jake104E Feb 10, 2023 08:19:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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Exactly! This display had "yes" in "Cache After Displaying" in Display Settings. When unchecked - the VBA unloads. Thank you. Now - I wonder what the best setting is? I assume that caching will load displays faster - but also use memory. ------------------------------ Jake104E ---- ...