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Patrick Nogara

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Posted By Patrick Nogara Dec 19, 2022 08:11:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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Upgrading an SE distributed application (v4 -> v13) which makes use of the AlarmLogViewer. Since it is called via an Appstart command on each SE client, the Alarm Log Viewer is executing on the client. The Client therefore needs to access Alarm DAT file which are generated and reside on the FTView ...
Posted By Patrick Nogara Sep 29, 2022 06:44:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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Thanks very much Fuzzy Logix for the excellent response. The release notes confirm everything I observed - including that if I manually untick "Alarming" of a Tag (and "Accept") the "Alarm" tick box disappears never to return whenever that tag is selected. You've confirmed that "IGNORE" + "Don't ...
Posted By Patrick Nogara Sep 28, 2022 10:27:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Advanced Software
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I've successfully migrated FTView SE (Net distrib.) v4 project all the way up to v13 including migrating legacy Tag based Alarming to the FT Alarms & Events system. Now when opening the project in Studio I get notification that Studio detects legacy Alarming Tags in the project which should be migrated. ...
Posted By Patrick Nogara Sep 06, 2022 04:20:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Automation Control
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No worries, Rick. Also remember you can wire up a push button to your input and use it to count presses with your High Speed counter make sure that PLC setup side of things is working fine before dealing with any sensor issues. Good Luck.
Posted By Patrick Nogara Sep 05, 2022 06:29:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Automation Control
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Looking at the manual, it describes the Signet 515/8510 as having : "Sinusoidal frequency output capable of..." If this is your unit then it does not appear to be compatible with the Mico800 High Speed counter. For AB plcs you need a sensor that outputs a Pulse Train like the Signet 2536/8512...and ...
Posted By Patrick Nogara Aug 27, 2022 07:53:00 AM
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Hi Dan, Yes, I can certainly agree you're probably going to find more worked examples on any given programming matter in C#, even though I think any C# sample code has a precise equivalence in VB.NET .... however, for the matter at hand, do you think the choice of language would make any difference ...
Posted By Patrick Nogara Aug 26, 2022 06:27:00 PM
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Oh, one more thing for what it's worth, Your menu may well work fine in AdvancedHMI...though I don't know if AHMI is acceptable for your application/use.
Posted By Patrick Nogara Aug 26, 2022 06:19:00 PM
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Hi Jason, Yea, extending FTView was the other thing I thought you might have been referring to. As far as Callum's problem goes, I doubt your choice of language is the issue. I speculate it has something to do with FTView and the inherent way it renders onscreen objects - I don't think the FTView ...
Posted By Patrick Nogara Aug 14, 2022 04:33:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Automation Control
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This would be very useful for many use cases, such as: NAME DATATYPE COMMENT Alarm00 DINT Alarm Word 00 Alarm00.00 One or more alarms active Alarm00.01 Alarm01 - Estop Pressed Alarm00.02 Alarm02 - .... .... Alarm00.31 Alarm31 - VSD Overload... NAME DATA TYPE COMMENT VSD_CMD DINT Command ...
Posted By Patrick Nogara Aug 13, 2022 03:44:00 AM
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Hi Jason, I presume you mean you need to create an HMI/SCADA application and you're deciding whether to use FT View OR .NET. If you're going to do run of the mill HMI/SCADA applications then using FT View will let you focus in delivering the Visualisation solution. This will be quicker because you ...
Posted By Patrick Nogara Aug 06, 2022 07:34:00 PM
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1769-IA8I or IA16 or IM12? Has the problem always been there or is it new? What is the input driven by (field device)? Can you move/swap the input and see if the problem follows the wiring or stays with the terminal?
Posted By Patrick Nogara Aug 02, 2022 04:19:00 PM
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Excellent information, Ron. Thanks for the clarification. Cheers Patrick
Posted By Patrick Nogara Jul 30, 2022 06:04:00 PM
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Thanks for the Reply Ron, Great timing on your response! But not the news I wanted to hear :( Two follow up questions if I may: i.) Will FT Linx 6.31 implement the same API functions of DDEInitiate() , DDE Reads, DDE Writes (Poke) DDEClose() ? ii.) Or is RSLinx Gateway still available for ...
Posted By Patrick Nogara Jul 28, 2022 06:54:00 PM
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Hi All, Years ago I built an Excel Recipe Builder/Maintainer Spreadsheet/Utility which can Download & Uploads recipes to CLX. The utility is designed around VBA code doing DDE Writes(Poke) & Reads through RSLinx Gtwy. Looking for pointers on how to implement VBA tag read/writes to CLX in Excel ...
Posted By Patrick Nogara May 11, 2022 10:17:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Automation Control
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Hi Jay Kay, At the risk of making a liar or fool of myself.....if temp control is what you require then maybe an approach like this may work: *NOTE: This is probably a Hail Mary suggestion! All standard disclaimers apply. In code have your PID loop's Setpoint permanently fixed at 50% - this ...
Posted By Patrick Nogara May 11, 2022 06:58:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Automation Control
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Hi Jay Kay, To quote Doris Day from the movie "Annie get your Gun": "Anything you can do I can do better" If you "normally use Omron" then how do you do it with Omron?! If you already have an algorithm then surely you can re-implement the Omron code in AB - I'd be surprised if anything Omron can ...
Posted By Patrick Nogara Apr 21, 2022 07:23:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Automation Control
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Hi nmeistrup, Thanks for the reply. When you say "save the project online" do you mean being "Connected" and hitting File | Save (or disk icon) - because this does not seem to work for me. I realise that if I am "Disconnected" and I do a "Upload with Logical values" then I do get online Strings ...
Posted By Patrick Nogara Apr 11, 2022 10:58:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Automation Control
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CCW Ver.13 seems to upload numerics and store them in the "Project Value" correctly but it does not seem to save strings. Anyone know how to save edited string in Micro800 to the offline project? Thanks in advance.