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Posted By parallaxview Mar 19, 2021 05:41:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Installation & Activation
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Summary: What to do if you get a CodeMeter Error 0xd01c006d Hi All, This applied to v4.03.03, 4.03.11 and 4.05.01 of FactoryTalk Activation Manager. I had experienced a problem when borrowing CodeMeter Licenses for a maximum term limit. When I tried the borrow a license, it would fail ...
Posted By parallaxview Jun 12, 2018 04:14:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Automation Control
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To copy a BOOL array to a REAL, you have to create a User Defined Type whose only member consists of the BOOL Array. For instance, create a UDT called BOOLArray and have 1 member called Bits of type BOOL[32] or however large you need it. Then you can create a tag called BA of type BOOLArray. ...
Posted By parallaxview Jul 31, 2017 08:22:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Automation Control
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For TCP/IP communication you would need to establish TCP socket communications, with the Logix processor behaving as either a client or a server. How to do that is beyond the scope of a forum response. The only problem with this is I don't think the ENBT module is capable of communicating via ...
Posted By parallaxview Oct 12, 2016 11:43:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Legacy
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To run something for 15 minutes every 36 hours - Set one timer to time the 36 hours -preset = 36 hr x 3600 sec/hr x 1000msec/sec= 129,600,000 msec. When this timer is done, perform your task and also run a second timer whose preset is 15 minutes. Preset = 15min x 60 sec/min x 1000msec/sec ...
Posted By parallaxview Nov 20, 2015 07:21:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Automation Control
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Summary: Logix Designer Quick Keys keep getting Reassigned Hi All, I am having an annoying issue in Logix Designer v21. I assign Quick Keys for certain tasks, but from time to time the software reassigns them back to default. Anyone know why this may be happening. At first I thought ...
Posted By parallaxview Jan 09, 2015 07:25:00 PM
Found In Library: Automation Control
Posted By parallaxview Jan 09, 2015 07:25:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Automation Control
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Summary: When trying to create new project, error window shows indicating unexpected token Hi all, Found a weird issue with Logix Designer v21.03, v23.00 and v24.00. When I open an existing project, I have no problems, when I try to create a new project (using any of the versions I listed) ...
Posted By parallaxview Dec 19, 2014 07:28:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Installation & Activation
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Summary: Are there any licensing issues when upgrading Activation Manager Software on PC server My company currently is running FT Activation SERVER v3.02, which has been successful in handling our licenses for years now. I am getting the feeling that I need to upgrade to the latest version, but I ...
Posted By parallaxview Dec 16, 2014 11:42:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Networks
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Thanks for the definitive answer to the question. This is going to be a 1756-DNB with the latest firmware. Is there any idea what the difference in scan times between older and newer firmware? I have been using an old Rockwell spreadsheet to calculate scan times, I am wondering if this spreadsheet is ...
Posted By parallaxview Dec 16, 2014 07:50:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Networks
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Summary: Does Mapping Fewer I/O bytes than Default reduce DeviceNET Polling Scan Time? I am using 1799-ZCIOB I/O cards in a DNET network and I am using them only as I/O. The I/O size of the card is 7 In Bytes and 2 Out Bytes. I manually mapped only the first 2 In Bytes and the 2 Out Bytes into a deviceNET ...
Posted By parallaxview Jul 01, 2014 06:16:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Automation Control
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Summary: How does Advanced Mapping affect byte usage in DNET scanners? Hi All, I am using 1799-ZCIO cards as straight I/O on a DeviceNET. I am using the advanced mapping feature to only read and write the input and output values on each card. So I am only mapping 2 bytes of input and ...
Posted By parallaxview Dec 28, 2012 12:23:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Automation Control
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This is a follow up to my original post. I tried upgrading my RSLinx to 2.59.02 (per Rockwell's instructions) but that didn't work. After a painful process of trial and error I found a procedure that gets a configuration downloaded without errors. Here it is: To download a config to ...
Posted By parallaxview Dec 28, 2012 12:21:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Automation Control
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The 1756-DNB does have pass through capability. I know this from downloading configurations for 1734-ADN adapters (the Point I/O types). So that's not it. I have just now found (painfully and empirically) a procedure to successfully download the configuration with no errors. I will post it to this thread ...
Posted By parallaxview Dec 28, 2012 11:34:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Automation Control
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I just did, same error on the ADN module. The other node (the DNB scanner) downloaded with no incident. I always thought that the ADN actually HAD to be removed from the scanlist for any download to work, which is why I have always had it off the scanlist. Thanks for the suggestion though! ...
Posted By parallaxview Dec 26, 2012 02:05:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Automation Control
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Summary: Cannot download configuration to ADN module, get errors I have a 1769-ADN/B f/w2.5 DNET adapter. When I connect to it via RSNetworx (v11.00.00) I am able to upload the configuration as it exists, but if I try to download it back to the ADN, I get an error stating the object does not ...
Posted By parallaxview Oct 31, 2011 12:15:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Automation Control
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I just received this error code on a job site as well. It is displayed on the ENBT's message display. I am waiting for a RA tech to talk to right now to find out more information... Cycling power fixed the problem for me as well, although I don't know what caused it in the first place... ...
Posted By parallaxview Jun 23, 2009 05:10:00 AM
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I have seen the info in the reference manual. In the end I used a rule of thumb method based on our past history. Since a lot of our stuff is standard, it works well enough for my needs. ##HL39
Posted By parallaxview Jun 16, 2009 02:02:00 PM
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Is there any quick and dirty way to estimate memory usage for a SLC-500? Like if you know the number of I/O points and what types of comms you plan on using, you can multiply by a certain factor and it pops out a value in kBytes? Thanks, Kevin #HL39 #HL39 #SLC500
Posted By parallaxview Jun 09, 2009 08:59:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Automation Control
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Can anyone point out where I can find the digital input response times for 1790D and 1791D CompactBlock I/O? I looked in the Technical Data sheets, the installation instructions and the selection guides and none of them offer up this information. ##HL38
Posted By parallaxview Jun 08, 2009 12:28:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Automation Control
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Here's the situation: I am going to be using 1790D type I/O on a project. It will consist of several assemblies of the following: 1790D-T16BV0----1790D-T0B16X in other words a base input module with an expansion output module. I will have 10 of these on my network and I want ...