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Posted By DrPLC Apr 25, 2024 07:08:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Automation Control
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It is the same if you want to add a 1734-AENT to the EN2T - it can only be done offline. I suggest you find a time when the system is idle. Alert any maintenance personnel to a possible disruption. Open the project, go online, save the project (responding "yes" to the prompt about uploading data) ...
Posted By DrPLC Feb 17, 2024 11:12:00 AM
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I do not know if this will accomplish what you want, but one can export the tags and comments in a project to a .csv or .txt file. In Studio 5000, select "Tools" and then "Export" and "Tags and Logic Comments". Select the format (.csv or .txt) and specify the file name. When the CSV file is ...
Posted By DrPLC Feb 02, 2023 07:02:00 AM
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Jeff, The 3rd edition still retains the SLC-500 and MicroLogix, so most of relevant material is there. The PLC-5 has a larger number of program and data files, multiple main files (later processors), the CMP block, transitional contact differences, sequencer block differences, and the sequential function ...
Posted By DrPLC Jan 30, 2023 07:28:00 AM
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Jan, I do not know how they implemented concurrency or even if they did. I suspect they just executed each main ladder file - one right after the other and then started over. That is how it is done in the ControlLogix. That processor can have one continuous task (like OB1) and within the task, one ...
Posted By DrPLC Jan 28, 2023 08:27:00 AM
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Jan, I can answer most of them. It has been a few years since I have done much PLC-5 programming. My experience with Rockwell PLCs started with the PLC-2 with a little dabbling in the 1774-series on one project converting that to a PLC-5. 2. I believe the octal system goes back the 1774-series PLCs ...
Posted By DrPLC Sep 16, 2022 08:04:00 AM
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Three suggestions: 1. Use a netgroup to control the list of users. I teach PLC classes and have 50 to 100 students needing to access Studio 5000 and FactoryTalk View on a set of 12 lab PCs and a pool of 12 virtual machines. And this list changes every semester. It would require much time to maintain ...
Posted By DrPLC Jun 30, 2022 02:07:00 PM
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Ken, I would first check the cable you are using for serial communication. Check page 215 of the publication 1747-UM011. You can download it from the Literature Library. The cable from your USB-to-serial device to the 9-pin Dsub on the SLC must match the diagram to work. It could be your USB-to-serial ...
Posted By DrPLC Jun 30, 2022 08:32:00 AM
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Ken, Are you able to establish serial communication with RS232? Use the "Auto-Config" button in the RS232 RSLinx driver to find the baud rate, etc. It has been awhile since I have done it, but I believe the default baud rate is 1200 baud. The SLC 5/04 is an older processor than the MicroLogix 1500. ...
Posted By DrPLC May 17, 2022 08:16:00 AM
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Two things to consider: 1. In ControlLogix/CompactLogix processors, the update of the I/O tags are not synchronized to the program scan as it is for the SLC. 2. Using a remote rack for the AMCI modules compounds the problem. I suggest you used buffering on the I/O for the AMCI modules and use a ...
Posted By DrPLC Apr 14, 2022 09:55:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Drives, Motion Control & Low Voltage Products
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By default (no power to the brake), the brake is engaged. If you connect the white wire of the motor to +24V and the black wire of the motor to the DC common, the brake is released. I suggest you follow the example wiring in Appendix A of publication 2097-UM002. One should not wire the MTR_BRAKE- and ...
Posted By DrPLC Dec 08, 2021 02:41:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Drives, Motion Control & Low Voltage Products
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Here is something I wrote for the students that explains the MAM profiles and the relationship between the accel/decel and the jerk. ------------------------------ Kelvin ------------------------------
Posted By DrPLC Dec 08, 2021 01:58:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Drives, Motion Control & Low Voltage Products
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I teach a PLC motion control course and so I see the situation in your first email frequently. I try to teach the students to use % of max for the accel/decel and % of time for the jerk. The velocity is whatever you want for the quickness of the motion. Most students are surprised at how high the accel/decel ...
Posted By DrPLC Dec 08, 2021 01:19:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Drives, Motion Control & Low Voltage Products
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The accel/decel was my first comment. I added the tuning as a secondary, as I have seen that issue, as well. ------------------------------ Kelvin ------------------------------
Posted By DrPLC Dec 08, 2021 07:33:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Drives, Motion Control & Low Voltage Products
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Your accel/decel seems low. Also, what is the axis tuning? Have you done an auto-tune, or are you using out-of-the-box tuning? ------------------------------ Kelvin ------------------------------
Posted By DrPLC Dec 03, 2021 07:20:00 AM
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Yes, unfortunately most new control engineers know little about ladder logic. A university in my area is one of the few that has has courses in PLC programming. They feature ladder logic, but also cover ST, FBD, and SFC. What most people seem to forget is the maintenance after the project is commissioned. ...
Posted By DrPLC Nov 30, 2021 09:48:00 AM
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The slot in the rack is not important. Moving the L62 to the end means you do not need to relocate the other modules. Locating it next to the RIO is logical since both are being used for communication. ------------------------------ Kelvin ------------------------------
Posted By DrPLC Nov 30, 2021 07:38:00 AM
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The serial port is deleted when you change the L62 processor to an L7x. nmeistrup's suggestion to keep the part of the program dealing with the serial port in the L62 and move the rest to the L72 is the best approach. ------------------------------ Kelvin ------------------------------
Posted By DrPLC Nov 17, 2021 07:11:00 AM
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For the ControlLogix processors, the S:FS tag is a "First Scan" Boolean. For the SLC-500, the S:1/15 is the "First Scan" bit. Both of these are TRUE when the program is being scanned for the first time. ------------------------------ Kelvin ------------------------------
Posted By DrPLC Aug 23, 2021 08:41:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Automation Control
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Online, with a ver 33 project, I created a new routine "Test" in the MainTask, program MainProgram. Added a rung. Finalized it. In the Error box, the following appeared: Accepting the Pending Edits of routine 'Test' in program 'MainProgram'... Warning: Test: Routine cannot be reached by the main routine: ...